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Adobe Commerce Marketplace
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Adobe Certified Experts

Attribute Option Image

2.3.x, 2.4.x
100 % of 100

Magento 2 Attribute Option Image Extension adds functionality to show the image for the attribute option value in your magento store.


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Product attributes are crucial in the buying decision, as the buyer uses them as the basis while purchasing products. It's very significant to show product attributes in such a way that they help consumers in their decision-making process and improve the conversions and user-friendliness.

Magento 2 attribute option image extension enables the image upload functionality for attribute options. The uploaded images will be displayed on the front-end instead of the attribute name. By displaying attribute images on front-end, we can remind users that those attributes are important and encourage users for action. For example, on the category page ’brand image’ is displayed with each listed item, then the buyer will likely to filter that product list by his/her favorite ’brand’ and buy from the available one.

FAQ - Common questions about Magento attribute option image extension

Question: - Which file types are allowed for the attribute option image?
Answer: - Default file types allowed for the attribute option image are 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'.

Question: - Is there any possibility to show/hide the attribute option image on the layered navigation?
Answer: - Yes, you can show/hide the attribute image in the layered navigation with the help of settings of the extension.

Question: - What if I don't want to show the attribute option image on the product category grid/list?
Answer: - If you don't want to show the attribute option image on the product category grid/list, then you can disable it from the backend.

Question: - Can I show the attribute option image on the product page?
Answer: - Yes, you can show/hide the attribute option image on the product page.

Question: - Can I run this on my staging or development site, too?
Answer: - Yes, this module works for the staging as well as the live site.

Feature Highlights

  • Allows the admin to display the attribute option as an image in the product listing.
  • Display the attribute option as an image in product view page.
  • Display the attribute option as an image in the layered navigation.
  • Easy back-end interface to add/edit/delete the attribute image.
  • Ability to set different attribute image sizes for the category page, product page, and layered navigation.
  • Settings to show/hide the attribute label in the layered navigation.
  • Possibility to add the image for attribute option when attribute's type is drop-down or multi-select.


We support all our customers through our website. If you have any questions on Extension or need support with its use please contact us. – we're happy to help you.

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Change Log

Version 1.0.9

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.7

Version 1.0.8

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6 with PHP 8.2

Version 1.0.6

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4

- Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.4

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.0

- Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.3

- Compatibility with Magento 2.3.5

Version 1.0.2

- Compatibility with Magento 2.2

Version 1.0.1

- Several code optimizations, code cleanup

- Compatibility with Magento 2.0.0 - 2.1.9

Version 1.0.0

- Initial stable M2 release
