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Our Cleaner Extension helps you to clean up all your redundant files. Just put the path of the files you want to delete and set the frequency of when you want to delete. Cleaning up all the unnecessary files will help you make your Magento site fast and healthy.

Cleaner Extension for Magento 2 Features

– Delete your unnecessary files periodically.
– Can delete multiple files with different settings.

FAQ - Common questions about Sucuri Extension for Magento 2

Question:- Can I delete multiple log files?
Answer:- Yes, you can delete multiple log files, and that too with different settings.

Question:- Will I need coding knowledge to use it?
Answer:- No, you do not have to code anything. You will only need basic computer knowledge to write the path of the files.

Question:- Is there any recurring fee for this extension?
Answer:- No, as of now, there is no recurring fee for the extension.

Question:- Can I run this on my staging and development site, too?
Answer:- Yes, this extension works for staging as well as the live site.


We support all our customers through our website. If you have any questions on Extension or need support with its use please contact us. – we're happy to help you.


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