Developed By:
Adobe Certified Experts

Magento 2 Store Credit and Refund

2.3.x, 2.4.x
100 % of 100

Through Magento 2 Store Credit and Refund extension enable customer store credit facility and make refund easier and faster.


30 Days Moneyback Guarantee


World Class Extensions


12 Months Support & Updates


Magento 2 Customer Store Credit and Refund extension introduces store credit functionality that allows creating, editing and managing customer credit balance from the admin panel. also, this extension introduces a possibility to issue refund directly to customer credit balance in full amount instantly.

How to Install

- Disable Magento Cache run command "php bin/magento cache:disable" using SSH from your magento root directory
- Copy Extension files to your magento root directory /app/code
- Then run commands "php bin/magento setup:upgrade" using SSH from your magento root directory
- Enable Magento Cache run command "php bin/magento cache:enable" using SSH from your magento root directory


We support all our customers through our website. If you have any questions on Extension or need support with its use please contact us. – we're happy to help you.

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Change Log

Version 1.0.0

- Initial release

Version 1.0.1

- Compatibility With Magento 2.2

- Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.2

- Compatibility With Magento 2.3.5

- Bug Fixes
