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Magento 2 Subcategories Grid/List | Magento 2 Easy Catalog images Extension

2.3.x, 2.4.x
100 % of 100

Magento 2 Subcategories Grid/List Makes easy navigation for the user by showing subcategories in grid/list on a category page.


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Make easy navigation for the user by showing sub categories in grid/list on a category page.

Some store have a large catalog of products and to augment the usability, store owners want to show the subcategories list on a category page. In such case, this extension help admin can show subcategories images nicely on a category page. This extension gives the flexibility to decide the number of subcategories to show in a row, which gives more control to admins to display categories by their choice. The extension also aids to grab users attention on your store page or any other pages by allowing to show list subcategories of a category with images. You can also add a category listing using Magento widget on any store page according to your requirements.

For example, if a category "X" has two subcategories and category "Y" has 5 subcategories then it will be possible show only 2 subcategory images in a row for category "X" Whereas for category "Y" we can set to show 5 subcategories in a row. In addition to this, admin can show sub categories in grid or list view.

One of the features is admin can use a thumbnail image of the category to show or if the client can use the separate image for category and thumbnail. This extension is also called easy catalog images, catalog images grid/list.

Best layouts

The admins can choose the layout style for the category page. There are two options to choose from, a grid or a list. Where the grid option shows subcategories with their images, List option would show categories in a list view equip with its description.

Subcategories Gird List View

Catalog control

Prepare your easy category catalog as per your requirement. In case you want to hide any category to being shown on the parent category page, then this extension has the facility using which you can hide it.

Subcategories Hide

FAQ - Common questions about Subcategories Grid/List

Question: - Can I use category thumbnail image to show on parent category?
Answer: - Yes, there is setting on category level which allows using category thumbnail image to show as catalog image on parent category.

Question: - Is there any possibility control number of subcategories to show in a row?
Answer: - Yes, you can define how many sub-categories you want to show on category pages.

Question: - Can I show sub-categories(images) of a category on a CMS page with a widget?
Answer: - Yes, you can show sub-categories(images) of a category on a CMS page with a widget.

Question: - Can I run this on my staging and development site, too?
Answer: - Yes, this extension works for staging as well as the live site.

Question: - How can I display products below the Subcategories?
Answer: - You can add product beneath the category using Widget.
Step 1: Login into Admin panel, Go to CONTENT > Element > Blocks and Click On Add New Blocks
Step 2: Add title and Identifier after that In content click on Insert Widget; It will show you the popup to select widget type from that choose "Catalog Product List" After that it will show Widget Options fill up the Required details and in Conditions, add Category and select your category after that click on Insert Widget and Save the block.
Step 3: Now Go to CONTENT > Element > Widgets and Click On Add Widget.
Step 4: In Settings select Type "CMS Static Block" and select your theme after that click on the Continue button.
Step 5: Now add Widget Title, Assign to Store Views and in Layout Updates click on Add Layout Update. It will allow you to select Display On in that select "Anchor Categories" if your category is an anchor (in which you want to display products) otherwise select "Non-Anchor Categories" after that, it will allow you to select Container in that select "Main Content Bottom".
Step 6: In Widget Options Tab, Select the block which is created in Step 1 and Save the Widget
Step 7: Now flush the cache and refresh your category page.


  • Grid or list view layout of category catalog
  • Enhancing browsing experience
  • create category listing using a widget
  • Admin can define number of items to display in a row of catalog
  • Ability to hide particular subcategory from catalog list


We support all our customers through our website. If you have any questions on Extension or need support with its use please contact us. – we're happy to help you.

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Change Log

Version 1.1.2

- Code optimization

- Bug fixes

Version 1.1.1

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.7

- Bug fixes

Version 1.1.0

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6

- Hyva compatibility

Version 1.0.9

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.5

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.8

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.7

- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.3

- Add Extension version in Stores > Configuration setting

Version 1.0.6

- Compability with Magento 2.4.0

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.5

- Compability with Magento 2.3.5

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.4

- Compability with Magento 2.3.3

- Bug fixes & Improvements

Version 1.0.3

- Compability with Magento 2.3.1

- Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.2

- Bug Fixes

- Subcategory not work in Flat Category Mode

Version 1.0.1

- Bug Fixes

Version 1.0.0

- Initial release
