Approved By:
Adobe Commerce Marketplace
Developed By:
Adobe Certified Experts
Hyvä Compatible

Extra Fee

2.3.x, 2.4.x
100 % of 100

Magento 2 Extra Fee Extension helps to charge the extra fees like
- Product fees
- Category fees
- Order fees
- Payment fees etc.


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Sometimes, sellers need to charge extra fees. In such cases, sellers need to add them directly to product prices and customers are not aware of it. Extra Fee Extension for Magento 2 helps in such situations, where the admin can add categories or product-based additional fees (show hidden charges related to the product)

For example, if a gold merchant is selling jewelry. He/she is proffering gold test certification like BIS hallmark with the product then jewelers can add the additional fee on category based or product based and customers can see it on the cart page. Another example, in some businesses, administration fees need to be charged for preparing documents for customs clearance or any other government permissions. This extension helps the admin, to charge the administration fees and the customers can see them during the checkout process. So, they are informed about the additional fees they are paying. Besides Product fees, Extra Fee Extension allows adding the payment method fees in Magento 2. Using this functionality, the admin can add the additional charges based on payment methods.

NOTE:This extension is NOT like gift-wrap fees or rush delivery fees which let store visitors choose necessary fee options before completing the purchase.


- Add unlimited extra fees.
- Create fees for a fixed/percentage amount.
- Apply additional fees for a category/sub-category.
- Surcharge fees on entire order.
- Charge additional fees based on the payment method.
- Support for multiple languages.
- Review extra charges in the product page, cart page, and checkout page.
- Create additional fees based on percentage.
- Apply extra fees to an individual product.
- Apply multiple fees on a single product.

FAQ - Common questions about extra fees extension

Question:- Can I add/apply multiple fees for a product?
Answer:- Yes, you can add multiple fees for a product.

Question:- Is there any possibility to charge the fee on the percentage based?
Answer:- Yes, you can add the extra fee on the percentage based.

Question:- Can I offer "gift-wrap fees" or "rush delivery fees" with this module?
Answer:- No, Extra fees extension doesn't provide such functionality at the moment.

Question:- Which type of fees can I charge using this extension?
Answer:- You can create following type of fees using this extension. - Product fees - Category fees - Order fees - Payment fees

Question:- Can I run this on my staging and development site, too?
Answer:- Yes, this extension works for staging as well as the live site.


We support all our customers through our website. If you have any questions on Extension or need support with its use please contact us. – we're happy to help you.

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Change Log

Version 1.1.2

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.7

- Bug fixes and Code optimizations

Version 1.1.1

- Compatible with Hyva Theme

Version 1.1.0

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.6

Version 1.0.9

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.5-p1

Version 1.0.8

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.4

- Added condition based rules

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.7

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.3

- Bug fixes

- Add Extension version in Stores > Configuration setting

Version 1.0.6

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.0

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.5

- Compatible with Magento 2.3.5

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.4

- Compatible with Magento 2.3.4

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.3

- Compatible with Magento 2.2.5

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.2

- Compatible with Magento 2.2.4

- Product and payment method wise fees apply

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.1

- Compatible with Magento 2.2.3

- Product Custom Option wise apply fee

- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.0

- Initial release
